


The platypus is known for its unusual way of laying eggs. This animal is the only mammal that lays eggs. These eggs are about the size of a grape.  The  female usually lays about two eggs.and keeps them safe in her pouch as she rests in her nest. The dangers are predators and floods if the eggs get sucked out into the river, it’s up to humans to find them.  it’s unlikely though the eggs are tiny and fragile they can be damaged easily.  If all goes well the eggs will hatch after ten days. The newborns will not have any fur for a month or so, before that mom will keep them warm. 

A platypus is one of the few venomous mammals on earth. their main weapons are long spurs on their heels that can inject venom produced a gland in the base of the hind leg, only males have spurs and the venom is only produced during the mating season thees cute and cuddly looking creatures are not to be messed with.

If the platypus gave birth the same way most mammals did it would still be an unusual creature. The duck shaped bill, the beaver-like tail and webbed feet. The platypus is amazing in water, have you seen a hummingbird in flight? Flying up down, left right, hovering in midair, loops and even upside-down, the platypus is like the hummingbird of the water.  They have to be good swimmers to catch the fish and crayfish.

An amazing thing about the platypus is that they have a sixth sense. The platypus’s bill has cells that can pick up the electric fields that small underwater animals generate. So the Platypus moves their head from side to side making it easier to locate their prey.  

LOCATION: Eastern Australia and Tasmania 

LENGTH: Up to 23 ¾ inches (60 cm)

DIET: Aquatic Invertebrates

Watch a Platypus use its sixth sense

Photo credit: Dave Wates




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