Scientific name: Orcinus orca
The orca also known as the killer whale is a very intelligent creature. They are very fierce and eat many types of marine animals. They plan hunts and use smart ways to catch thier pray.
A cool thing about orcas is actually a dolphin! If you have ever seen an orca or any other type of dolphin you might’ve heard the clicking sound they make. The sounds that the two of them make seem very similar but they are different.
Orcas are the largest type of dolphin. adults can grow up to be the size of a bus! Their size and strength they can reach speeds up to 30 knots (34 mph!)
Another name for the orca is the wolves of the sea because the orca is one of the most ferocious animals in the ocean. Eating about anything for example fish, walruses, seals, sea lions, penguins, squid, sea turtles, sharks, and even small whales. to catch such big and fast animals orcas hunt and live in pods (group of orcas) if they want to catch a seal orcas will swim in the water so the seals attention is drawn to them and unexpectedly an orca pops out of the water and snatches a seal.
LOCATION: Wold wide
LENGTH: Up to 35-40ft long
DIET: Marine animals
Photo credit: Slowmotiongli/Shutterstock