Snowshoe hare
Scientific name: Lepus americanus
The snowshoe hare is a very smart creature with intelligent ways to survive. They have many ways to escape from predators and they have incredible senses. Also they don’t hibernate so they do things to keep them from freezing in the winter.
Snowshoe hares can reach speeds up to 30 mph (48 km). Their average lifespan is eight to nine years. An adult wieghs about 3.5 pounds (2 kg)
The name snowshoe hare comes from their large hind feet that work as snowshoes and keep them from sinking into the snow. During the winter their fur changes from brown to white. They do this to blend in with their surroundings even when the seasons change.
Unfortunately, snowshoe hares are endangered because of climate change and cabitat loss. As people use more and more land and cut down more trees it can reduce the population of not only snowshoe hares, but also a lot of other animals all over the world. As global warming increases there is less snow or the snow melts earlier so the hares can’t match their fur color to the snow making it easy for predators to spot them.
LOCATION: The Boreal forests
LENGTH: 18 to 20 in
DIET: Mainly plants sometimes meat
Photo credit: FastCompany